專責小 組成員名單(只提供英文版本):
Professor Kevin Au (Chairman)
Director of CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship, Associate Professor
Department of Management, CUHK
Dr. Jonathan Chan
Cluster Director (Information Technology/Information System),
Consultant (Department of Medicine),
Specialist in Geriatric Medicine
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
Dr. Karen Chan
Director of Swallowing Research Laboratory, Associate Professor
Swallowing Research Laboratory, CDIS, HKU
Mrs. Sarah Choy
Principal Social Services Secretary, Elderly and Rehabilitation
Po Leung Kuk
Professor Kwan Hoi Shan
Emeritus Professor
Food Research Centre, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
Ms. Irene Kwok
Speech Therapist
Ms. Josephine Lee
Chief Executive Officer
St. James' Settlement
Mr. Peter Lee
Senior Manager, Community Investment and Employee Engagement
Kerry Holdings Limited
Mr. Harrison Li
Project Director
Medical Professional Protection Scheme
Mr. Kenny Shui
Assistant Research Director and Head of Economic Development
Our Hong Kong Foundation
Mr. Ricky Szeto
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited
Dr. Jessica Tam
Business Director
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Ms. Ada Tsui
Senior Social Work Supervisor, Services for the Elderly
Caritas Jockey Club Resource and Support Centre for Carers, Caritas-Hong Kong
Dr. Joseph Wong
Executive Director
Hong Kong Design Centre
Mr. Andrew Au (In-attendance Member)
Speech Therapist
Mr. Cliff Choi
Former Business Director
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Dr. John Fung
Former Business Director
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Dr. Edmund Lee
Former Executive Director
Hong Kong Design Centre Ltd.
Mr. Louie Lou
Registered Social Worker
Senior Social Work Supervisor
Caritas - Resource and Support Centre for Carers
Ms. Vivian Wong
Registered Dietitian,
Operations General Manager, Primary Health Services (Clinic Services)
Haven of Hope Christian Service