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曾明行 - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

Miranda TSANG - Entry 【The video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】






Contestant: Miranda TSANG

Care Food Trainee: FAN Yee Tan

Dishes: Seafood Stacks (Expect to reach level 4) 





- 3 條中等尺寸的蝦去殼切粒 

- 120 g三文魚切粒 

- 120 g扇貝切粒 

- 一小撮鹽和胡椒 

- 1隻蛋白 

- 奶油 250 ml 



- 將所有蝦粒、三文魚粒和帶子粒分別混合 

- 加入蛋白和忌廉  

- 用保鮮紙捲緊,蒸熟 





-3 medium size shrimp without shell and dice 

- 120 g Salmon dice  

- 120 g Scallop dice 

- Pinch of Salt & pepper 

- Egg white 1 pc & cream 250 ml 


Cooking Method:

1. Blend all diced shrimp, salmon and scallop individually 

2. Add egg white & cream  

3. Roll tight with glad wrap and steam 





- 1 個馬鈴薯 

- 1 塊南瓜 

- 1 個牛油果 

- 一小撮鹽和胡椒粉 

- 無鹽牛油 250 g 

- 全脂牛奶/忌廉/營養師建議的高蛋白牛奶 250 ml 



1. 馬鈴薯泥 - 在加鹽的水中煮軟,去皮後搗成泥狀,加入鹽和胡椒調味,趁熱過濾。加入冷牛油和溫牛奶/奶油,充分攪拌。 

2. 南瓜泥 - 去皮、去籽,蒸 30 分鐘或烤 30-45 分鐘,然後壓成泥,用細篩過濾。 

3. 牛油果泥 - 切開,去核,挖出果肉。如果需要,加入牛奶攪拌,使果泥變稀。加入少許檸檬汁以防止變色。 





- 1 floury potato 

- 1 small piece of pumpkin 

- 1 avocado 

- Pinch of Salt & pepper 

- Unsalted butter 250g 

- Whole cream milk / cream / high protein milk prescribed by dietician 250 ml 



Cooking Method:

1. Potato puree - boiled in water with salt till soft, peeled and mashed, salt & pepper to taste, while it’s still hot strain through a fine sieve. Add cold butter & warm milk/cream, mix thoroughly 

2. Pumpkin puree – peel, remove seeds, steam for 30 mins or roast for 30-45 mins and mash, strain through a fine sieve

3. Avocado puree – cut, remove pit and scoop out flesh. Blend with milk if desired to thin the puree. Add a little bit of lemon juice to prevent discoloration. 




將蔬菜泥和海鮮泥交替疊放。將已依照您的 IDDSI 等級濃稠的玉米汁倒入盤中,再淋上橄欖油。 





Layer / stack alternate the vegetable and seafood puree. Pour thickened corn juice according to your IDDSI level onto the plate and drizzle olive oil. 

Serve immediately and enjoy! 

曾明行 -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品 Miranda TSANG - Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  • 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食。

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.

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If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Care Food Working Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service




Room 1002, 10/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


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