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王雅萍 - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

WANG Ya Ping - Entry 【The short video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】


參賽者 : 王雅萍

照護食見習生 : 黃貿毓

菜式 : 超營蔬菜多多日式咖哩豬扒飯(期望達至等級6)


Contestant: WANG Ya Ping

Care Food Trainee: HUANG Mao Yu

Dishes: Nutritious Veggie Japanese Curry Pork Chop Rice (Expect to reach level 6)



- 細薯仔1個

- 甘筍1根

- 洋蔥半個

- 免治豬肉1盒

- 軟芝士50克

- 西蘭花碎100克

- 蒜蓉適量克

- 米1杯

- 車打芝士1片

- 蘋果蓉100 克



- 肉桂粉 3克

- 孜然粉 1克

- 咖哩粉 5克

- 紅椒粉 1克

- 薑黃粉 1 克

- 咖喱包一包

- 熱水 適量

- 黑胡椒粉 適量

- 香草鹽 適量



1. 甘筍和薯仔去皮切塊,洋蔥去皮切絲

2. 熱鍋加油炒洋蔥絲至微褐色,加入薯仔和甘筍,炒 2 分鐘後加入熱水至淹沒食材,轉小火慢煮,直至蔬菜都熟透

3. 熱水起鍋,可以加入少許料酒去腥,水滾關至小火,加入免治豬肉,燙熟撈起,可用手持攪拌機再打碎一點,用黑胡椒粉跟香草鹽調味,再加入軟芝士,捏成肉排,鋪上車打芝士片,放進烤箱加熱或者微波加熱至芝士融化

4. 糊飯:一杯米浸泡 30 分鐘後,加入三杯水煲煮,飯熟放入模具定型後裝盤

5. 待薯仔熟透后,加入咖喱包以及調配好的香料粉,混合後放入攪拌機打碎至糊狀

6. 中間加入蘋果蓉增加甜味,之後微微火慢慢煮至濃稠,可以過篩一次讓口感更好

7. 炒蒜蓉西蘭花:熱鍋加入蒜蓉爆香,加入西蘭花碎和少許熱水燜熟后,稍微冷卻後放入模具中定性

8. 擺盤:糊飯在模具定型後倒扣在盤子上,將芝士肉排放上去,淋上濃稠的咖喱醬,空白部分放置炒蒜蓉西蘭花,即可享用



- Small size potato 1 pc

- Carrot 1 pc

- Onions 0.5 pc

- 1box of minced pork

- Soft cheese 50g

- Broccoli chopped 100g

- Minced garlic Appropriate amount

- Rice 1 cup

- Cheddar cheese 1 slice

- Apple puree 100g


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Cinnamon powder 3g

- Cumin powder 1g

- Curry powder 5g

- Red pepper powder 1g

- Turmeric powder 1g

- Curry Pack 1 pack

- Hot water Appropriate amount

- Black pepper Appropriate amount

- Vanilla salt Appropriate amount


Cooking Method:

1. Peel and cut carrots and potatoes into cubes, peel and shred onions

2. Heat the oil in the pan and fry the diced onions until lightly browned. Add potatoes and carrots. Fry for 2 minutes. Add hot water until ingredients are covered. Reduce heat and cook until vegetables are cooked

3. Pour hot water to a pot, add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat to low, add the minced pork, scald until cooked and remove, break it up a little more with a hand held blender, season with black pepper and herb salt, then add soft cheese , shape into steaks, spread with cheddar cheese slices, heat in oven or microwave until cheese melts

4. Paste rice: Soak one cup of rice for 30 minutes, add three cups of water and cook. When the rice is cooked, put it into a mold and set it on a plate

Cooking Method

5. After the potatoes are cooked, add the curry bag and prepared spice powder, mix and put into a blender until it becomes a paste.

6. Add apple puree in the middle to add sweetness, then cook slowly over low heat until thickened. You can sieve it once to make it taste better

7. Stir-fried broccoli with garlic: Add minced garlic to a hot pan and fry until fragrant. Add chopped broccoli and a little hot water and simmer until cooked. Allow to cool slightly and place into a mold

8. Plate presentation: After the rice is set in the mold, invert it onto a plate, top it with cheese and meat steaks, drizzle with thick curry sauce, place fried garlic broccoli on the empty part, and enjoy

王雅萍 -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品 Wang Ya Ping Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  • 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.

Contact us

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Care Food Working Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service




Room 1002, 10/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


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