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邱燕萍 - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

HIEW Yin Ping - Entry 【The video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】




菜式 : 山打根滋味(期望達至等級6)


Contestant: HIEW Yin Ping

Care Food Trainee: IP Tin Chi

Dishes: Taste of Sandakan (expect to reach level 6)





- 雞脾肉 1件 

- 臘肉 2片 

- 荷葉 1片 

- 珍珠米 1/4杯 

- 蛋白 1個 

- 水  適量 



- 鹽 適量 

- 胡椒  適量 

- 松茸粉 1茶匙 

- 蠔油 1茶匙 

- 豉油 1茶匙 

- 老抽 適量 



1. 荷葉珍珠米洗淨浸泡後,加入適量清水打碎 

2. 加入半片荷葉多打片刻,然後過篩隔去多餘渣滓 

3. 將荷葉米汁煮至適合糊狀 

4. 蛋白打至挺身,慢慢加入荷葉米糊拌勻倒入杯子備用 

5. 雞肉臘肉洗淨切粒,爆香肉粒 

6. 再加入適量水、半片荷葉和薑葱汁、松茸粉、蠔油、生抽、老抽小火煮約10分鐘收汁 

7. 扔掉荷葉離火,將煮好的肉粒打碎,放上米漿蛋白杯上蒸10分鐘即成 


Japanese Steamed Egg Custard



- Chicken thigh 1pcs 

- Cured Meat 2pcs 

- Lotus leaf 1pcs 

- Pearl rice 1/4 cup 

- Protein 1pcs 

- Water Moderate 


Seasoning and Sauce: 

- Salt Moderate 

- Pepper Moderate 

- Matsutake powder 1 tsp 

- Oyster sauce 1 tsp 

- Soy sauce 1 tsp 

- Dark sauce Moderate 


Cooking Method:

1. After washing and soaking the lotus leaf pearl rice, add the appropriate amount of water and smash it. 

2. Add half a lotus leaf and break for a while, then cut off the excess residue. 

3. Cook the lotus leaf rice juice until it becomes a paste. 

4. Beat the egg whites until stiff, slowly add the lotus leaf rice paste, mix well, and pour into a cup. Set aside. 

5. Wash the chicken and Cured Meat and dice it, saute the meat until fragrant. 

6. Then add an appropriate amount of water, half a lotus leaf, Ginger Scallion Sauce, matsutake powder, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce, and simmer for about 10 minutes to reduce the sauce. 

7. Throw away the lotus leaf leaves and remove them from the heat, break the cooked meat into pieces, put it in the rice milk albumen cup, and steam for 10 minutes. 





肉骨茶湯包 一包 

肉排 600克 

蒜 一個 

冬菇 三粒 

水 5碗 

即食盒裝絹豆腐 一盒 




鹽 適量 

胡椒 適量 

松茸粉 1茶匙 



1. 將5碗水放湯煲煲滾,加入肉骨茶包, 

2. 洗淨冬菇,蒜頭,已飛水肉排,煲45分鐘 

3. 加入鹽和松茸粉,過篩留湯汁備用。 

4. 肉排取適量肉塊,用碎肉機打碎,豆腐用切花模具切成圓形再切成幼絲菊花狀。 

5. 湯汁略為收濃,用馬蹄粉薄薄埋成糊狀濃湯, 

6. 加入少許肉碎豆腐花煮片刻離火即成。 


Tofu Bak Kut Teh



- Bak Kut Teh Soup Packet 1 pack 

- Steak 600g 

- Garlic 1pcs 

- Shiitake Mushroom 3pcs 

- Water 5 bowls 

- Silk tofu 1box 

- Chopped wolfberries 


Seasoning and Sauce: 

- Salt Moderate 

- Pepper Moderate 

- Matsutake powder 1 tsp 


Cook Method:

1. Put 5 bowls of water to a boil in a soup pot, add bak kut teh bags. 

2. Wash the mushrooms, garlic, and boiled pork chops, and cook for about 45 minutes. 

3. Add salt and matsutake powder, sift, and reserve the soup for later use. 

4. Take an appropriate amount of meat from the meat steak and smash it with a meat miner. Use a cutting mold to cut the tofu into rounds and then cut it into thin shreds like chrysanthemums. 

5. The soup is slightly thickened, and a thin layer of water chestnut powder is used to make a paste-like thick soup. 

6. Add some minced meat and tofu flowers and cook for a while, remove from heat and serve. 





- 牛油果1個, 

- 芒果1個, 

- 熱情果4個 

- 魚膠粉約6克  

- 熟紫薯蓉3湯匙 

- 忌廉椰汁適量 



- 糖 1湯匙 



1. 芒果去皮去核打蓉 

2. 熱情果去籽留汁 

3. 芒果蓉熱情果汁加入魚膠及糖煮至魚膠溶化待涼, 

4. 放雪櫃雪3小時後切粒備用。 

5. 牛油果去皮去核,加入適量淡忌廉打成糊狀用裱花袋內雪2小時。 

6. 將牛油果醬唧在小碟上,中央放上熱情芒果凍粒, 

7. 上方再唧少許紫薯蓉,插上椰汁吸管,吃時依個人喜好加上椰汁便可。 


Avocado, Passionate Mango with Purple Sweet Potato Puree



- Avocado 1 pc

- Mango 1 pc

- Passion fruits 4 pc

- Fish gelatin powder 6 grams

- Cooked purple sweet potato puree 3 tsp

- Creamy coconut milk amount


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Sugar 1 tsp


Cooking Method:

1. Peel, core and puree the mango

2. Remove seeds from passion fruit and retain juice

3. Add mango puree and passion juice to isinglass and sugar and cook until the isinglass melts and let cool

4. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours, then cut into cubes and set aside

5. Peel and core the avocado, add an appropriate amount of light cream and beat into a paste. Place in a piping bag for 2 hours

6. Spread the guacamole on a small plate and place the passion mango jelly in the center

7. Sprinkle a little purple sweet potato puree on top, insert a coconut milk straw, and add coconut milk according to personal preference when eating

邱燕萍 -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品 HIEW Yin Ping – Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  • 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食。

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.

Contact us

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Care Food Working Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service




Room 1002, 10/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


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