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Care Food Directory

According to the results of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service's 2019 survey on the usage and needs of soft meals (Care Food) for the elderly and persons with disabilities, over half of the surveyed care facilities' residents experience varying degrees of chewing or swallowing difficulties. The provided pureed meals were found to be unappetising and visually unappealing, leading to more than 60% of residents refusing to eat them, consequently affecting their nutritional intake. Additionally, more than 60% of caregivers in these homes expressed the desire to improve the quality of Care Food but faced challenges due to a lack of manpower and expertise.

In order to drive sector development and address the demand for market information and inquiries from various sectors, we have compiled information on relevant Care Food products and services to create the Care Food Directory. This directory serves as an immediate reference for the public, further enhancing the quality of life for individuals with dysphagia and alleviating the stress on caregivers.

Assisting Individuals

with Dysphagia to

Enjoy Good Food

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Pre-packed Care Food

Offering convenience, allowing for instant consumption or reheating according to individual preferences. 

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Thickener and Nutritional Supplements for Dysphagia

Aid in modifying the texture, consistency, and nutritional composition of both finished and semi-finished foods. 

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Utensils and Oral Hygiene Products for Dysphagia

Enabling patients to self-feed and dine safely and reducing the risk of food residue and oral health issues. 

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Hot Meal and Catering Service

Various organisations offer hot meals and catering services for Care Food. This benefits care facilities and patients with dysphagia by providing them with convenient access to Care Food without the need for cooking. 

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Training Service

Different organisations provide Care Food courses and workshops that teach Care Food cooking knowledge, caregiving and companionship skills. 

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Supplier List

Various suppliers provide contact information for people with dysphagia and caregivers to inquire about how to purchase products and services.

Contact us

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Care Food Working Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service




Room 1002, 10/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


Strategic Partners and Sponsors

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© 2025 CareFood

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