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Care Food Cooking Competition 2021


  • Students at the Vocational Training Council (VTC) International Culinary Institute

  • Students at the Vocational Training Council (VTC) Chinese Culinary Institute

  • Students at the Department of Childcare, Elderly and Community Services at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)

  • The programme offers a series of online and in-person workshops that encompass both practical application and theoretical knowledge. This deepens students' understanding of Care Food while facilitating interactions with the elderly.

  • The introduction of mentor-apprentice pairing, exchange, and collaboration provides students with opportunities for hands-on experience in care facilities, enhances their professional skills, and strengthens their competitiveness in the job market.

  • Students are encouraged to harness their potential, unleash creativity, and showcase their strengths. They collaborate with shortlisted chefs to prepare for the finals, engaging in activities such as optimising recipes, creating promotional materials to vie for the Public Choice Award, and assisting in marketing initiatives.

  • On the day of the final, mentors and apprentices team up to complete the competition. Students are encouraged to assist in cooking, showcasing their creations, and presenting the theme, design concepts, and stories behind their dishes.

Programme Highlights

Students' Remarks

Internship Journey Revisited

Lau Pui Kin

Chinese Culinary Institute - Diploma in Chinese Cuisine

Lam Wing Kei

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin Campus)

the Department of Childcare, Elderly and Community Services - Higher Diploma in Integrated Social and Health Services

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Lam Wing Kei

I am most delighted to have gained an understanding of Care Food. Before participating in the competition, I thought Care Food was like purée, but after joining the competition, I discovered that Care Food can be prepared to look just like regular dishes. Moreover, there is a wide variety of meal options, and the textures and consistencies can vary at different levels.

As a young person, I believe it's essential for us all to be familiar with Care Food, to spread this concept, and to help those with dysphagia regain their appetite and improve their quality of life.



Pui Kin

The most memorable experience for me was one evening, when I had a phone conversation with the chef for about an hour and a half. The timing didn't matter much because it was already past 1 a.m. I wanted to truly understand the emotions and concepts behind the dishes the chef creates, so I talked to him for a long time. In the end, our discussion led us to a profound realization: nostalgia for one's hometown. I learned that the chef has always cherished memories of rural life and the lotus leaf rice cooked by his grandmother. He hoped to recreate those flavours to allow the elderly with dysphagia to relive the past.

As a chef crafting specialised meals, I believe that beyond ensuring safety and taste, the most important aspect is to put your heart into it. Just like the heart-shaped logo of Care Food, it symbolises the dedication and consideration that go into making food, taking into account the emotional state of the recipients.


Lam Wing Kei

Since I hadn't encountered Care Food before and was unfamiliar with its preparation, I wasn't sure if I could assist the chef during the competition. However, through the various activities at the event, such as cooking workshops, interactions with the elderly, and level testing lessons, I gained an understanding of the principles behind making Care Food. Coupled with practice sessions with the chef and my team members, we coordinated our roles effectively. In the end, I assisted with plating and the sharing segment during the competition, and everything proceeded smoothly. I gained a profound insight into the complete journey of the competition, encompassing challenges and rewards alike.



Pui Kin

During the competition, due to the tight time constraint of only thirty minutes, everyone was quite tense. Sometimes, despite meticulous planning, things can become chaotic during the competition. As the competition approached its final minutes, both my mentor and I were quite nervous. Fortunately, our mutual understanding and on-the-spot performance were commendable. We worked together swiftly to plate and present the dish, ultimately successfully completing it. This experience is truly unforgettable.

Participating in a team competition with professional chefs for the first time was a rare and novel experience for me. Moreover, my mentor provided invaluable advice that will greatly assist me in my future career endeavours.

Supporting Institutes

  • Vocational Training Council (VTC) Hotel and Tourism Institute, International Culinary Institute and Chinese Culinary Institute

  • Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education - Sha Tin Campus

(institute names are listed in alphabetical order)

Supporting Institutes

  • Caritas Fu Heng Home

  • Caritas Fung Wong Fung Ting Home

  • Caritas Lai Kok Home

  • Fu Hong Society Rehabilitation Centre

  • Haven of Hope Hospital Staff Canteen

  • Ho Yam Care and Attention Home for the Elderly (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

  • Po Leung Kuk Kwok Law Kwai Chun Home for the Elderly

  • Po Leung Kuk Tung Chung Home for the Elderly


Contact us

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Care Food Working Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service




Room 1002, 10/F,
Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
15 Hennessy Road, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Care Food Working Group of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


Strategic Partners and Sponsors

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