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「S+高峰會暨博覽」"S+ Summit cum Expo"

凝聚各界 共創永續社會



過去七十幾年來,香港社會服務聯會(社聯)立足於社福界,連繫民、商、官、學等不同界別,為香港社會創造福祉。今年5月2日至3日,我們將假香港會議展覽中心,一連兩日舉辦「S+高峰會暨博覽」,以「可持續發展目標」(SDGs)為框架,聚集逾4,000名跨界別持份者共議本地與區域性的社會議題。約140間社福機構、社企及影響型企業將展示其回應社會問題的有效方案。我們期待「S+」能促進持份者協作(Synergy),為社會創效(Social Impact),以推動香港可持續發展(Sustainability)。


- 主題講者介紹內地及國際的社會發展局勢,以及民間團體(Social Sector)的重要角色

- 金融界、商界與社福界如何協作推展香港的慈善事業

- 環球趨勢如科技革新、氣候變化、大灣區發展對於香港社會服務的啟示

- 與香港金融發展局合作舉辦政策對談,推動香港成為亞洲慈善事業樞紐

- 約140間參展機構展示豐富的計劃方案,協助企業及不同機構尋找捐贈、義工參與、社會投資等協作機會

Together We Co-create a Sustainable Society

“S+”: HKCSS organises the summit and expo on social impact

The rapid changes in society, economy, and environment, coupled with major challenges such as demographic shifts, economic restructuring, extreme weather, and the technological revolution, present both significant challenges and golden opportunities for Hong Kong. In the face of these circumstances, we have to work with various sectors in the society, adopt innovative thinking and solutions, to build a sustainable and livable Hong Kong.

For over seventy years, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has been rooted in the social welfare sector while connecting community, business, government, academia, and other sectors in creating social impact. On May 2nd and 3rd this year, we will host the "S+ Summit cum Expo" at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, bringing together over 4,000 stakeholders from different sectors to discuss local and regional social issues under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Approximate 140 social welfare organisations, social enterprises, and impact businesses will showcase their effective solutions in response to social problems. We hope that "S+" can promote stakeholder collaboration (Synergy), create social impact (Social Impact), and promote Hong Kong's sustainable development (Sustainability).

Event Highlights:

- The keynote speakers will introduce mainland China and international social development trends, as well as the important role of the social sector.

- How the financial sector, business sector, and social welfare sector collaborate to advance philanthropic development in Hong Kong.

- Global trends such as technology advancement, climate change, and the development of the Greater Bay Area and their implications for social services in Hong Kong.

- Collaborates with the Financial Services Development Council to organise Policy Dialogues, aiming to promote Hong Kong as a Philanthropic Hub in Asia.

- Around 140 exhibitors will showcase a diverse range of projects and collaboration opportunities including donations, volunteering opportunities, and social investment.




香港社會服務聯會 照護食工作小組




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