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「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024 決賽圓滿結束🎉








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"Care Food Cooking Competition 2024” Final Was Held Successfully🎉

The final of the 6th Care Food Cooking Competition were successfully held on October 19!

This year, we promote Care Food to caregivers and foreign domestic helpers. The theme is "Travel with Care Food". It is hoped that through the competition, your loved ones at home with dysphagia will have the opportunity to enjoy the food they love during their overseas or local travels using Care Food cooking skills and regain the taste of delicious food, as well as retrieving the memories of that time. At the same time, caregivers and foreign domestic helpers can learn about Care Food knowledge and cooking techniques, thereby providing a variety of dining options for people with dysphagia and improving their quality of life!

A total of 8 caregivers and foreign domestic helpers were shortlisted as finalists from preliminary competition. They were required to cook a dish that complies with the Guideline of Care Food Standard Level 4 to Level 7EC. The dishes of all the contestants are very attractive, full of colour, fragrance and flavor. Love and care are also reflected from the dishes. The design concepts and the stories behind are also touching.

We also have student chefs from the Vocational Training Council (VTC) assisting in the competition. Being "Care Food Trainees", the student chefs exchange cooking experiences with caregivers and foreign domestic helpers, and cook and improve dishes together to help them complete the competition. Through this competition, we hope that we can encourage the new generation of chefs to understand Care Food, improve their professional skills, and promote social inclusion!

After the food tasting and scoring by the star judges, we have selected the "Gourmet Food" Award, the "Joy" Award, the "Connections" Award, the "Compassion" Award and the Most Nutritious Award respectively. Awards will be presented at Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 Award Ceremony during the Gerontech Expo cum Summit on November 23.

Same as the competition in previous years, we will also open public voting this year! Voting will begin in early November. Everyone is welcome to vote for your favorite Care Food dish by clicking “like” in under your target post in facebook. The one with the most "likes" will receive the Public Favorite Award, which will be awarded on the Award Ceremony.

Once again, we would like to thank all the strategic partners and sponsors, various institutions and units, and the judges for their strong support. We hope everyone can enjoy the food!

👉If you would like to know more details about the public voting and award ceremony, please stay tuned to our website: and Facebook for the latest news!

Strategic Partners and Sponsors #KerryGroup #ZeShanFoundation #ChinaMerchantsFoundation


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