當日我哋有言語治療師為參加者分享何謂吞嚥困難、照護食等級及照顧技巧,亦有廚師示範及指導照護食烹調技巧,參加者仲可以試食照護食𠻹! 另外我哋亦有學廚同參賽者互相交流嘅環節,佢哋可以交換烹飪照護食嘅心得,為接下來嘅比賽作準備。透過今次活動,相信各位參加者都對照護食有更充分嘅了解!
【Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 Pre-Competition Workshop】
The first Care Food and Dysphagia Workshop of Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 was held on last Saturday in Admiralty iBakery Gallery Café. We have invited the finalists and students from ICI to participate, aiming to enhance their understanding of Care Food and dysphagia.
During the workshop, a speech therapist delivered a talk on dysphagia, Care Food levels, and care techniques. A chef also demonstrated a Care Food dish and shared some cooking tips to participants. They even got to try the Care Food! Additionally, there was an exchange session between students and contestants, allowing them to share their experience and knowledge on cooking Care Food, preparing them for the upcoming competition. Through this event, we believe all participants gained a more comprehensive understanding of Care Food!
Strategic Partners and Sponsors #KerryGroup #ZeShanFoundation #ChinaMrechantsFoundation