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「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024 賽前工作坊(二)






【Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 Pre-Competition Workshop II】

On September 7, in addition to the "Care Food Community Day: Care Food Around You," it was also the second workshop on Care Food and dysphagia for the Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 . We hope that this workshop will enhance participants' knowledge of nutrition.

On that day, a dietitian shared insight regarding swallowing difficulties and nutrition, combined with her own rich clinical experience. We believe all participants gained valuable knowledge from this session . Following the workshop, there was an exchange session for the contestants and student chefs to discuss their culinary ideas in preparation for the competition .

We are looking forward to seeing the dishes prepared by the participating chefs .

Want to know more about the Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 and its updates? You can learn more through the following link:

Strategic Partners and Sponsors #KerryGroup #ZeShanFoundation #ChinaMerchantsFoundation


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