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「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024 賽前練習


下個月就係「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024正式比賽嘅日子啦😆,比賽前都想等參賽者有個機會練習,熟習下環境同體驗下比賽嘅流程。所以,上星期六,我哋喺國際廚藝學院舉辦咗賽前練習俾參賽者同學廚實戰,過程中仲有網煮有限公司行政總裁兼總廚、照護食星級大使Johnson Lo嘅指導🤩。


【Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 Pre-competition Practice】

Next month marks the official competition day for the Care Food Cooking Competition 2024😆. Before the competition, we would like to provide participants and student chefs an opportunity to practice, become familiar with the environment, and experience the competition process. Therefore, last Saturday, at the International Culinary Institute, where participants engaged in hands-on kitchen experience, guided by Johnson Lo, the CEO and Head Chef of Kolb Life Limited, who is also a Care Food Star Ambassador🤩.

Each participant put in a lot of effort, and the dishes they prepared were exquisite. Johnson tasted each dish and provided feedbacks. We believe that on the day of the official competition, the participants will perform even better.

Strategic Partners and Sponsors #KerryGroup #ZeShanFoundation #ChinaMerchantsFoundation


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