【照護食標準指引】烹調示範 - 茶樹菇栗子素湯
1. 淮山和栗子可預先用室溫水浸泡30 分鐘或放入雪櫃浸過夜。
2. 所有材料浸洗備用。茶樹菇先剪開細塊,再浸洗備用。
3. 將淮山、栗子放入袋。
4. 將所有材料及水放入煲中,先大火滾30分鐘,之後轉中小火煲2.5小時。關火後,加鹽調味。
5. 撈起淮山、栗子,用攪拌器將淮山、栗子攪至糊狀。
6. 將湯和淮山栗子糊混合一起,將湯調校至符合等級三的杰度即成。
Vegetable soup with poplar fieldcap and chestnuts (level 3)
[Standard Guidelines for Care Food] Cooking Demonstration - Vegetable soup with poplar fieldcap and chestnuts
[Click the video to play the cooking steps]
Vegetable soup with poplar fieldcapand chestnuts
80g poplar fieldcap, 35g Cordyceps militaris, 20g Jujube, 15g goji berry, 30g yam, 25g dried longan, 100g chestnuts ( with shell removed), appropriate amount of salt, 4000mL water
1. Chestnuts and yam can be refrigerated overnight or soaked in room temperature water for 30 minutes.
2. After soaking everything, set it aside. First, thinly slice the poplar fieldcap, then soak and wash.
3. Stuff the bag with the chestnuts and dioscorea polystachya.
4. Fill the pot with all the ingredients and water. Bring to a boil over high heat for 30 minutes, then lower the heat to medium and simmer for two and a half hours. After the heat is off, season with salt.
5. Take up the yam and chestnuts, and use a blender to mince them into a paste .
6. Mix the soup with the yam and chestnut, and then modify the soup to a level 3 consistency.
This dish is based on the Care Food Standard Level 3 (i.e., The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Level 3)
茶樹菇栗子素湯/ Vegetable soup with poplar fieldcap and chestnuts (等級3/Level3)
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