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Rhea Padua - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

Rhea Padua - Entry【The video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】



參賽者:Rhea PADUA




Contestant: Rhea PADUA

Care Food Trainee: YIM Cheuk Yan

Dish: Braised Beef Brisket with Lemongrass and Onion (Expect to reach level 4)




- 牛柳碎或任何非常嫩的牛肉 280 克 

- 洋蔥 1 個 

- 香茅 2 棵 

- 老抽 1/2 茶匙 

- 辣椒 1 個或依個人口味 



1. 將牛肉去筋,剁成牛肉蓉。 

2. 剁碎的牛肉與茸狀的白木耳混合,用檸檬草茸、老醬油、薑、 


3. 將醃好的牛肉放入塑膠袋  

4. 將醃好的牛肉放入 60-63°C 的水中慢煮 45 分鐘 

5. 將肉放入冰箱冷凍至少 2 小時 

6. 將肉與醬汁混合  

7. 用細篩過濾牛肉蓉,使其成為光滑的肉泥,如果您沒有把肉剁 


8. 倒入模具 / 用湯匙舀出 

9. 必要時,在食用前蒸熱 


Beef Ingredients 

- Minced beef of tenderloin or any very tender beef 280g 

- Onion 1 pc 

- Lemongrass 2 pcs 

- Dark soy sauce 1/2 tsp 

- Chilli 1 pc or to your own taste 


Cooking Method:

1. Take out all tendon in beef and mince to very fine 

2. Minced beef mix with mashed white jelly fungus, and marinate in sauce of white part of mashed lemongrass, dark soy sauce, ginger, onion, chilli overnight 

3. Put marinated beef in plastic bag  

4. Slow cook the marinated beef in 60-63°C water for 45 mins 

5. Chill the meat in refrigerator for at least 2 hrs 

6. Blend the meat with sauce in interval  

7. Strain the minced beef through a fine sieve to form a smooth puree, you will judge whether you need to strain twice if you didn’t mince the meat fine 

8. Pour in a mould / pipe / spoon out 

9. Steam reheat, if necessary, before eating 





- 1 個馬鈴薯和 1/4 斤毛豆 

- 一小撮鹽 

- 無鹽牛油 250 g 

- 全脂奶/忌廉/營養師建議的高蛋白牛奶 250 ml  



- 將馬鈴薯加鹽煮至軟身,去皮及搗爛 

- 將毛豆加鹽煮至軟身,去豆莢、皮並搗爛   

- 趁熱用篩網過濾 

- 加入冷牛油和溫牛奶/奶油,充分攪拌 

- 必要時加入鹽和胡椒調味 

- 過濾 2 - 3 次,直到順滑為止(可選) 


Potato / edamame Puree



- 1 floury potato & 1/4 catty edamame 

- A pinch of Salt 

- Unsalted butter 250 g 

- Whole milk / cream / high protein milk prescribed by dietician 250 ml and according to the thickness you like 


Cooking Method:

1. Boil the potato with salt till soft, peeled and mashed 

2. Boil the edamame with salt till soft, discard pods, skin and mashed   

3. Strain while it’s still hot through a fine sieve 

4. Add cold butter & warm milk/cream, mix thoroughly 

5. Season with salt & pepper if necessary 

6. Strain 2 -3 times till smooth (optional) 





- 紅色、黃色、橙色甜椒各 1 個  

- 1 個黃色/橙色蕃茄 

- 1 個西葫蘆 / 小黃瓜 

- 黃原膠 (醬汁較稀時,比例為0.1%至0.3%;醬汁較濃時,比例一般為0.3%至1%) 



1. 將甜椒去皮、去籽並切片 

2. 切西葫蘆/小黃瓜 

3. 分色攪拌並濾成泥或汁  

4. 依您的 IDDSI 等級加入黃原膠 


Mixed Vegetables puree



- 1 each of red / yellow / orange bell peppers  

- 1 yellow / orange tomato 

- 1 Zucchini / cucumber 

- Xanthan gum (for thin sauces, a ratio of 0.1% to 0.3%, and for thicker sauces, a ratio of 0.3% to 1% is commonly used) 


Cooking Method:

1. Peel the skin, take out seeds and slice bell peppers 

2. Cut the zucchini / cucumber 

3. Blend and strain into puree or juice all in separate colors  

4. Add xanthan gum according to your IDDSI level 







Arrange your moulded / piped / spooned out beef on plate with piped out vegetable purees. 



Rhea Padua -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品Rhea PAUDA - Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  • 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食。

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.



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