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許愛珠 - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

HUI Oi Chui Alice - Entry 【The short video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】




菜式 : 博君一笑蝦蝦薯餅(期望達至等級5)


Contestant: HUI Oi Chui Alice

Care Food Trainee: TAM Tsz Yau

Dishes: Shrimp Hash Brown to Bring You a Smile (Expect to reach level 5)




- 食物及配料: 

- 馬鈴薯 230克  

- 蝦仁 230克 

- 甘荀 30克 

- 三色椒 各半個 

- 䓤 1條  

- 薑 3片 

- 芫茜 10克  

- 紅椒 少量 



- 幼鹽 半茶匙  

- 糖 一茶匙  

- 雞粉 半茶匙  

- 胡椒粉 少許 

- 麻油 數滴  

- 生粉 四茶匙 



1. 把馬鈴薯洗淨,放入滾水灼熟後去皮,趁熱把馬鈴薯攪成薯蓉備用。 

2. 甘荀洗淨後切成細粒,灼熟備用。 

3. 蔥和薑洗淨放入滾水灼熟撈起,然後把洗淨的蝦仁和芫茜放入薑蔥水汆燙5秒去除腥味。 

4. 把蝦仁攪成蝦蓉,芫茜切碎。 

5. 將所有食材倒進大碗內,加入幼鹽、糖、生粉(三茶匙)、雞粉、胡椒粉和麻油拌勻,然後用手沾上生粉(一茶匙份量)將糊團分成八等份。 

6. 以細火預熱平底鍋,下油一茶匙,然後逐一放入小糊團;用鑊鏟將糊團壓平,以細火剪至兩面呈金黃色後即可上碟。 





- 黑椒碎 3克  

- 麵粉 10克  

- 奶粉 5克  

- 油 10克  

- 水 100毫升 



1. 用細火預熱乾鑊將黑椒碎炒香。 

2. 用細火預熱油鑊放麵粉炒熟。 

3. 水煲滾後,放入黑椒碎,麵粉和奶粉,快手攪散,待煮溶變稠即成。 




1. 將三色椒洗淨,切細,煮熟碟邊作裝飾。 

2. 將紅椒洗淨,放在菜餚上點綴。 


Shrimp Hash Brown



- Potatoes 230g

- Shrimps 230g

- Carrot 30g

- Bell pepper Each half

- Scallion 1 pc

- Ginger 3 slices

- Coriander 10g

- Red bell pepper A little


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Fine salt 0.5 tsp

- Sugar 1 tsp

- Chicken powder 0.5 tsp

- Pepper A little

- Sesame oil A little

- Cornstarch 4 tsp


Cooking Method:

1. Wash the potatoes, boil them in boiling water and peel them. While they are hot, mash them into puree and set aside

2. Wash the carrot, cut into fine pieces, and set aside until cooked

3. Wash the scallion and ginger and put them in boiling water and simmer them until cooked. Drain them. Then put the washed shrimps and coriander into the ginger and scallion water and boil them for 5 seconds to remove the grassy smell

4. Blend the shrimp into shrimp paste and finely chop the coriander

5. Pour all ingredients into a large bowl, add salt, sugar, cornstarch (three teaspoons), chicken powder, pepper and sesame oil, mix well, then dip your hands in cornstarch (one teaspoon) and divide the dough into eight equal parts share

6. Preheat a frying pan over low heat, add a teaspoon of oil, then add small dough balls one by one; use a spatula to flatten the dough, fry over low heat until both sides are golden brown, and serve on a plate


Black pepper sauce



- Crushed black pepper 3g

- Flour 10g

- Milk powder 5g

- Oil 10g

- Water 100ml


Cooking Method:

1. Preheat a dry wok over low heat and fry the crushed black pepper until fragrant

2. Preheat a wok with oil over low heat and fry the flour until cooked

3. After the water comes to a boil, add crushed black pepper, flour and milk powder, stir quickly and wait until it dissolves and thickens




1. Wash the bell peppers, cut into thin pieces, and serve as a garnish on the side of the dish

2. Wash the red bell peppers and garnish on dishes

許愛珠 -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品HUI Oi Chui Alice Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  •  食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.



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