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邱秀英 - 參賽作品【短片可按相片旁邊的圖示瀏覽】

YAU Sau Ying Forrie - Entry 【The short video can be browsed by clicking the icon next to the photo】


參賽者 : 邱秀英

照護食見習生 : 蔡懿晴

菜式 : 泰式風味餐(期望達至等級5)


Contestant: YAU Sau Ying Forrie

Care Food Trainee: CHOI Yi Ching

Dishes: Thai Style Meal (Expect to reach level 5)





- 越南檬粉 300克

- 熟豬頸肉 約100克

- 水 200毫升

- 凝固粉 5茶匙

- 軟餐酵素 約1.5克



- 泰式雜香草 適量

- 混合胡椒 適量

- 炸蒜 適量

- 炸香蔥頭 適量



1. 越南檬粉300克、水100毫升、少許配料(泰式雜香草,混合胡椒、炸蒜及炸香蔥頭)一同放進攪拌機,攪1分鐘成護糊狀後 ,放在平底鑊加5茶匙凝固粉用75度火煮成糊狀放進唧袋備用。

2. 熟豬頸肉約100克剪碎 ,加100毫升水一同放在攪拌機攪3分鐘後 ,加軟餐酵素約1.5克煮至稀釋後倒進肉模內凝固待用。

3. 用已煮好的濃湯40毫升加1克凝固粉中和一起備用。

4. 最後把步驟1至3已完成備用的食材加入濃湯上,便完成一碗泰式風味湯粉。


Thai Style Noodle Soup



- Rice Vermicelli 300g

- Cooked pork neck 100g

- Water 200ml

- Thickener 5 tsp

- Soft meal enzyme 1.5g


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Thai mixed herbs Appropriate amount

- Mixed pepper Appropriate amount

- Fried garlic Appropriate amount

- Fried shallot Appropriate amount


Cooking Method:

1. Put 300g of Rice Vermicelli, 100ml of water, and a few ingredients (Thai mixed herbs, mixed pepper, fried garlic, and fried shallots) into a blender, stir for 1 minute until it becomes pasty, put it in a fried pan and add 5 tsp boil of thickener at 75°C into a paste and put it into a bag for later use

2. Cut about 100g of cooked pork neck into pieces, add 100 ml of water, and mix in a blender for 3 minutes. Add about 1.5g of soft meal enzyme powder and cook until diluted. Pour into a meat mold to solidify and set aside

3. Neutralize with 40ml of cooked soup and 1g of thickener and set aside

4. Finally, add the reserved ingredients from steps 1 to 3 to the soup to complete a bowl of Thai-style noodle soup





- 斑蘭葉 7塊

- 熱水 315克

- 紅豆營養粉 2茶匙

- 酵素粉 10克

- 凝固粉 1茶匙



- 芒果汁 50毫升

- 椰漿 350毫升

- 砂糖 130克

- 鹽 1/2茶匙



1. 把斑蘭葉摺成盒

2. 將熱水、紅豆營養粉及酵素粉放進攪拌機

3. 高速攪拌2分鐘

4. 把攪拌完的糊狀物體倒進煲裏 85度以上煮至液體

5. 液體倒進斑蘭盒子

6. 等待凝固

7. 加凝固粉至芒果汁

8. 把⁠芒果汁滴上斑蘭盒子


Thai Red Bean and Coconut Milk Cake (10 servings)



- Pandan leaf 7 pcs

- Hot water 315ml

- Red bean nutritional powder 2 tsp

- Enzyme powder 10g

- Thickener 1 tsp


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Mango juice 50ml

- Coconut milk 350ml

- Granulated sugar 130g

- Salt 0.5 tsp


Cooking Method:

1. Fold pandan leaf into boxes

2. Put hot water, red bean nutritionalpowder and enzyme powder into the blender

3. Mix on high speed for 2 minutes

4. Pour the stirred paste into the pot and cook until liquid at above 85°C

5. Pour the liquid into pandan box

6. Wait for solidification⁠

7. Add thickener to mango juice

8. Drop⁠ mango juice onto the pandan leaf box





- 熱水 100毫升

- 茶包 1個

- 凝固粉 3茶匙



- 蜜糖 10毫升

- 青檸汁 1毫升

- 青檸角 1/6個



1. 熱水泡茶

2. 放至常溫,加入蜜糖和青檸汁

3. 攪拌均勻

4. 在杯子放入三匙凝固粉

5. 倒入飲品,快速攪拌均勻

6. 放上切好的青檸角


Thai Lime Honey Flower Tea



- Hot water 100ml

- Tea bag 1 pc

- Thickener 3 tsp


Seasoning and Sauce:

- Honey 10ml

- Lime juice 1ml

- Lime 1/6 pc


Cooking Method:

1. Make tea with hot water

2. Bring to room temperature, add honey and lime juice

3. Stir evenly

4. Put three spoons of thickener into the cup

5. Pour in the drink and stir quickly and evenly

6. Add the sliced lime wedges


邱秀英 -「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024決賽作品YAU Sau Ying Forrie Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

  • 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食

    The content of this recipe is for reference only. Patients are advised to consult with speech therapists or other related professionals before eating, to access the personal appropriate dietary level, and to eat according to the instructions.



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